BerryLab Invite

Unlocking the Gateway to Museum NFT Access

Invite grants access to the Museum NFT to the invitee and rewards inviter for their contributions to the community's growth. Let's explore how invite works and its role in the BerryLab ecosystem.

Invite simplifies the process of growing BerryLab's community. Here's how it works:

  1. Invitation Mechanics: Users can invite friends to join BerryLab by simply putting the invitee wallet address on the App's invite page. Click for more info about Museum NFT.

  2. Allow-list Privileges: Invited wallets can mint the Museum NFT, which unlocks access to the BerryLab App.

The Reward System: Earning Berry Points through an invite

BerryLab believes in rewarding its users for contributing to the community's growth. Here's the incentive:

  • Points for Invitations: Every successful invitation that results in joining the App by the invitee, rewards the inviter with Berry Points. and after a successful invitation claim, the inviter will have another invite.

Why invite Matters

The invite feature stands as a testament to BerryLab's commitment to community and user empowerment. It serves multiple purposes, improving the BerryLab in several ways:

  • Expanding the Community: By simplifying the invitation process, BerryLab ensures that its community continues to grow, bringing in various users and improving the platform's ecosystem with fresh perspectives and engagement.

  • Rewarding Engagement: The points system incentivizes existing users to contribute actively to the platform's growth, fostering a sense of ownership and participation among the community members.

Last updated